5 Unique Ways to Pay a Tribute and Remember Your Pets

Unlike any other family member, even the pets are an inseparable part of our family. The joy and wonderful memories they left behind needs to be preserved and cherished in a unique way. Many people store the remains of their beloved pet in beautiful pet cremation urns, but there is always a scope of doing something in addition. A list of 5 unique ways has been prepared that is sure to help you pay a memorable tribute to your pet and honor his memories in the most dignified way.

Paw Print Pet Cremation Urn For Ashes

1. Give it back to nature

Every living being is a gift of Mother Nature. One of the best ways to pay an honorable tribute to your pet is by planting a tree. You can preserve a tiny portion of the remains of your loved pet, and bury the same along the seed in your garden area or any other green land. This is a good option compared to just storing the ashes in the pet cremation boxes because through the plant; you can see your pet growing again in the form of a tree.

 Pet Urn with Solid Rosewood Handcarved Design & Brass Paw Applique Inlaid

2. Donate your pet’s belongings

You can donate all your pet’s belongings to a shelter house. This is an unusual thing to do, and not a lot of people do it. But by donating your pet’s belongings, you are definitely going to feel a lot happy and satisfied. The donated items will help other animals which in turn will make your beloved pet happy too. You can do this in addition to preserving a tiny portion of the remains of your pet in exquisite pet cremation jewelry.

 Classic Paw Keepsake Cremation Pendant

3. Volunteer for help at a pet shelter house

Helping is caring, and caring has the power to heal almost everything. You can volunteer to help in a pet shelter house on weekends or whenever you have time. Spending time with other pets will help you heal too. In addition to being a part of the voluntary programs of the pet shelter houses, you can also purchase a personalized pet urns for ashes to store a little portion of the remains of your loved pet.

 Odyssey Pet Cremation Urn For Ashes in Rainbow

4. Make the commemoration special

Getting the best pet urns for cats, dogs, parrots or any other pet is not enough to honor the memories of a beloved pet. To take the commemoration process to a more personal and special level, create a unique picture book and keep it just beside the urn. You can also go creative and do other things to make that place special.

 Sleeping Cat Cremation Urn For Ashes in Copper

5. Bring home a new furry friend

It is impossible to replace your pet, but you can always give a chance to another furry friend. Adopt someone from the shelter house or pick a needy stray animal if you find one. He is undoubtedly going to alleviate your pain and help you recover from the sadness really quick. This is what pets usually do, right? You can purchase the perfect resting place for your loved pet from Memorials4u, while you give a new home to another loveable animal.

When pets are special then why not adopt special ways to honor their memories. To preserve their remains in safe and sturdy pet cremation urns, you can check out the extensive collection available at Memorials4u online store. It is a well-known online store that offers quality pet cremation vessels, so you can rest assured of the products available. Apart from preserving the remains, adopt the ways shared above to honor the memories of your pet.


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